The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63231   Message #1025180
Posted By: Ebbie
26-Sep-03 - 01:27 PM
Thread Name: Shoot the rest of em (singaround disturbances)
Subject: RE: Folklore: shoot the rest of em.
In the weekly singaround I conduct I often say clearly: "OK-we've got one going. 'Singer', what you got?" That has always worked.

When a buzz of conversation starts around the room between songs I sometimes do a WAH wah WAH wah on a couple of high notes and when everyone looks my way, I'll say something like: "Back to music?"

Once in a great while I have asked a couple of people to take their conversation into the other room. I remember only one time when it offended someone- but then he was a frequent offender... Hasn't done it since.

Once in awhile either I or someone else will remnd the group to back off on guitars while someone with a quiet voice is singing. And when that hasn't worked I ask the quiet voiced one to move midway into the ring so everyone can hear.

The only thing that rattles me is when guitars are beating away and the players aren't listening to anyone or anything. You can get three different rhythms going that way. I haven't figured out yet how to handle that one.