The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62028   Message #1025655
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
27-Sep-03 - 12:27 PM
Thread Name: OZ Foray from Maine & Guam-Late November
Subject: RE: OZ Foray from Maine & Guam-Late November
well, we had another great night at the Dog tonight - only one to go, then you will almost be here.

Lots of great singing tonight & the small but perfectly formed audience sang with it's usual skill (even tho lots of the regulars has sent in notes from their mums). One of the excused regulars found the event she was attending not to her taste, so she turned up at 11pm for the lst half hour. The bloke who had left his jacket last month also turned up late & despite my reminder almost left if behind again, damn, I wanted to keep it.

Incidentaly tonight The Shiny Bum Singers were part of a political extravaganza in Canberra, our nation's capital. I can only quote the advertising bumf - .............. SMARTARSES BUMS & SHORTARSES - A night of Political Satire featuring The House Howlers, The Shiny Bum Singers and Shortis & Simpson. The House Howlers is a choir formed from members of the Press Gallery at Parliament House. Wordsmiths all, they have a bottomless bucket of material from their observations and "hands on" experiences with the pollies who run this country and from which to pluck their contribution to this night of expression of political commentary. If any of you don't know of The Shiny Bum Singers (Work Songs of The Public Service) then you probably shouldn't be on this list. John Shortis & Moya Simpson complete the triumvirate (Yes folks it's Caesar, Crassus & Pompey all over again). From the apolitical & atheistic world of small business (the satirical cabaret industry is definitely not your BHP) comes John's biting lyrics with the lark-like liltings of Moya. From the cesspit of parliament itself to the engine room of the leviathan that is the Public Service to the tenuous world of the Man (& Woman) in the Street, we make no excuses for what may transpire this night.......... Jeeez I went on a bit then didn't I??? ...........

I wonder if the Washington or London press galleries have choirs?
