The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63271   Message #1026090
Posted By: The Fooles Troupe
28-Sep-03 - 10:26 PM
Thread Name: Self-proclaiming songs that can't exist
Subject: RE: Self-proclaiming songs that can't exist
Ah yes.

Escher, Godel and Bach - brilliant book! About self referentiality.

I talked to an ant's nest once! :-)

I had been trying to read this book for some time, and just didn't seem to be grasping what it was all about.

I was off work, staying at my mother's place, because of an inner/midle ear infection.

The doctor had said, take this stuff, it's really good, one drop three times a day on a cube of sugar - it's really bitter - don't try to drive a car or operate machinery, etc. It'll fix the problem in a week or so...

Once I had taken the stuff, I was able to read the book from cover to cover.... AND UNDERSTAND IT! :-O

While sitting out on the back steps, having nothing to do but sit in th warmth, I noticed a trail of ants up the back wall. Remembering the book, I started turning the flow of ants back by poking at them with my finger, killing the persistent ones.

In about half an hour, there were tens of thousands of ants covering most of the wall, in a large standing wave pattern. This was fun! I was talking to an ant's nest!

My mother came and led me away, and put me back to bed! She seemed a litle concerned when I told her what I was doing!

Oh, the bitter liquid - mainly nor-adrenaline... :-) The ear infection cleared up!
