The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63282   Message #1027653
Posted By: Naemanson
01-Oct-03 - 08:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Weirdest Movie
Subject: RE: BS: Weirdest Movie
"Drowning By Numbers" is the name, I think. There was a recent film with a similar name. The one I'm thinking of starts with a woman coming home to find her husband asleep in a bathtub with a naked woman. She seats herself at the head of the tub and then, after some quiet deliberation, gently pushes his head under the water. After drowning her husband she uses a wheelbarrow to deliever the husband's drunken lover to her home.

Her grown daughters learn of this event and each decides to drown their husband. The local coroner has a totally wierd son. In the end the coroner decides he knows what is going on and is about to put the finger on the women, figuratively and really, when they drown him.

My second nominee for totally wierd is "Pi". Never understood that one.

My daughter and I like to go to the video store and find those movies that are so bad they are good. "Death Race 2000" was one of those as was "Dead Space". These are movies where you can see the zipper in the monster suit.