The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59803   Message #1028026
Posted By: GUEST,Ned Ludd
02-Oct-03 - 11:35 AM
Thread Name: Neil Sharpley Any News? - 2003 court trial
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?
I only came to this by accident following a trail from Google. This and its companion thread on Dave Bulmer and Celtic Music are compelling but nothing seems to have been done. Clearly the hope Mudcatters had of justice at the Crown Court has now evaporated, but if the gripes and moans I have read here have substance they should be acted on.

A contact tells me the Lincs Police have read what is here but are disincined to act in any way as "no complaint has been made". That might seem odd but if ther is any hard fact that can be put up then do it. If not then you have to give up now. For example the issuing of CDR discs as CD's must be of interest to trading satandards officers or the police for starters.

I am told the police were quietly confident until today so they might welcome another approach on another subject. My info is the arresting officer is one DI Stocking.

Good luck