The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63181   Message #1028522
Posted By: Ferrara
03-Oct-03 - 12:06 AM
Thread Name: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
I just sent the following comments to a workshop leader via a PM. I decided it's applicable to a lot of workshops.

Most workshops are one hour. Attendance varies but 26 people is a likelier number than either 6 or 66. Most have 15 to 30 people.

A few concerts and workshops are what I call "Blockbusters." They tend to be very heavily attended and I make sure they're in a larger space. Country & Western is a good example.

But you never can tell what will be popular. And sometimes people drop in and out of several workshops in an hour because they're so afraid of missing something! If they drop in and leave, believe me it's no reflection on your workshop.

I guess you all realize that our workshops are participatory? Unless I've specified otherwise, the leader(s) can do a song at the start, one in the middle and one at the end, or if it's really crowded you may decide to skip the one in the middle and/or at the end.

You can make it a straight sing-around or skip around, but do try to make sure that people who get there at the start of the workshop get to sing if they want to. You can ask, "Who has a song?" but try to make sure most people get a chance before anyone sings twice.

If it's what I call a "Workshop-Concert," such as the Mountain Songs & Ballads, or the Irish Unaccompanied Songs, sometimes I want the leaders to have a chance to showcase their special repertoire. In this case, each leader may do two or even three songs/tunes at the start, with additional ones during the workshop. I'll try to let the leaders know when this is the case.

If you're doing a workshop on a theme, the leader has to decide whether it's a topic that needs any kind of discussion. Some things work better if you just start making music!

Unless something is labed as a Mini-Concert, I can't think of a single workshop that is not participatory. Some are jams, some are sing-arounds or less structured Song Swaps, as described above.
