The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62989   Message #1028695
Posted By: Big Mick
03-Oct-03 - 07:44 AM
Thread Name: Portsmouth (NH) Maritime Folk Festival
Subject: RE: Portsmouth (NH) Maritime Folk Festival
mumble, sputter, grumble, piss and moan,........

I did, indeed, fly into Boston on Sunday. I even caught an early flight so I could get up there for a bit. Got to town, problems with my room! Got that settled, and the *&%^&***$#@HGT%$%^&**** cell phone goes off. I have to meet at the Regional Office. I finally get out of there, and it is too late to head north. So I figure I will call Jeri when I figure out the next days schedule and see if we can do dinner. Trial gets delayed, while Attorneys work out stips, but I can't leave. Then it starts, and the friggin' management attorney moves to have the witnesses sequestered......I end up sitting in a room, and by the time I get out, it is too late. My flight left the next day (Tuesday)and I never got so much as a chance to go see my friends in Portsmouth. Shit!!!!!! So, Jeri, Tom, Linn, et al, I will see you next time. Sometimes life sucks. I sure wanted to get up there and see you dear folks again. And finally meet Charley Noble. And, of course, see my buddy Barry and his lovely wife. Damn.

All the best,
