The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62989 Message #1028695
Posted By: Big Mick
03-Oct-03 - 07:44 AM
Thread Name: Portsmouth (NH) Maritime Folk Festival
Subject: RE: Portsmouth (NH) Maritime Folk Festival
mumble, sputter, grumble, piss and moan,........
I did, indeed, fly into Boston on Sunday. I even caught an early flight so I could get up there for a bit. Got to town, problems with my room! Got that settled, and the *&%^&***$#@HGT%$%^&**** cell phone goes off. I have to meet at the Regional Office. I finally get out of there, and it is too late to head north. So I figure I will call Jeri when I figure out the next days schedule and see if we can do dinner. Trial gets delayed, while Attorneys work out stips, but I can't leave. Then it starts, and the friggin' management attorney moves to have the witnesses sequestered......I end up sitting in a room, and by the time I get out, it is too late. My flight left the next day (Tuesday)and I never got so much as a chance to go see my friends in Portsmouth. Shit!!!!!! So, Jeri, Tom, Linn, et al, I will see you next time. Sometimes life sucks. I sure wanted to get up there and see you dear folks again. And finally meet Charley Noble. And, of course, see my buddy Barry and his lovely wife. Damn.