The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63282   Message #1029303
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
03-Oct-03 - 08:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Weirdest Movie
Subject: RE: BS: Weirdest Movie
Some people seem to be using weird to mean terrible, others to mean really worth seeing again because there is something you want to make sense of that you couldn't quite get the first time. The second meaning seems the interesting one to me, because it leads to people mentioning movies that are worth seeing.   

Saw one yesterday where I'm not sure which category it fitted in - "Adaptation." I suspect it's actually both - a movie where you need to see it a couple of times to work out what it's all about, but at the end it might turn out it's not really about much. But maybe...

But James Stewart boring? Talk boring in a movie? What I find boring is car chases and big explosions and special effects out of video games that keep on reminding you they are special effects. Good special effects are unobtrusive, so you take them as real, and find yourself at the end looking through the cast list to see who played that strange creature.