The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63282   Message #1029384
Posted By: Sam L
04-Oct-03 - 12:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: Weirdest Movie
Subject: RE: BS: Weirdest Movie
I thought Adaptation was quite coherent, first time through, and was pretty good. But I think it's logic outpaced the feel of it. Somehow the resolution didn't feel quite satisfying, despite that it was funny and observant and made sense.

   The Clan of The Cave Bear. Darryl Hannah plays a... what? I can't recall--a more evolved female among neanderthals? Finally someone had the guts to address these social issues of conflict between pre-historic evolutionary types. Darryl Hannah is generally fun for attempts to revive her career through weird choices.

   One thing I love about Jimmy Stewart talking in movies is the one raised arm, signaling that although he's just standing there, he may be about to do something, any minute. I suppose it's an old stagey acting device. C3PO may have learned it from Stewart--I think they were drinking buddies, before they made it big in film.

Weird early De Niro, called Hi Mom.

Eyes Wide Shut. How can so many naked women be so boring?

When I feel ill, and suspect I'm dying of something or other, a documentary about Jerry Garcia has a weird therapeutic effect, leaves me feeling pretty darn good.

   Jesco the dancing outlaw..

Other weird bits. In Gummo the actress Chloe Sevigny was also the wardrobe designer. Also, she has several times played a character who contracts an std on her first time. Kids, Last Days of Disco, and something I can't remember.

It's fun and weird what sorts of things actors return to in various roles, like Meryl Streep's collection of maternal issues.