The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1002   Message #1030406
Posted By: Barbara
06-Oct-03 - 08:09 AM
Thread Name: Origin: Peace of the River (G Gosling, V Wood)
Subject: RE: Peace I ask of thee oh river
Well, Vicki, Tinker may or may not have, but I attended Camp Narrin in the 50's in southeast Michigan. I think there were a set of camp nicknames that were often recycled. When I was there, there was a Tinker as well. I believe I was called Peanuts (last name at the time was Brown).
Songs I remember from there include the "Peace I ask" and "A Plea"
Here are some of the others:
Gehlobit (german, don't know spelling)
Walk Shepherdess, Walk
The Billboard Song
Kum By Yah
Jacob's Ladder
Man's Life's a Vapor
I'm Wild about Horns on Automobiles
Stodala Pumpa
I'd like to be just like the Wind

There are more. Seems like there was a song leader that I really liked that was a little ball of fire, can't remember her name.
Toby, maybe?