The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2304   Message #10307
Posted By: John Nolan
13-Aug-97 - 01:42 AM
Thread Name: Irish Newfoundland lyrics
I'm still awake, so here, from faulty memory, are a few verses of "When the Caplin Come In," which is a great old Newfie song.

When the Caplin Come In (part)

Well now is the time when the men are all ready
With oilskins and rubbers their work to begin
You bet they'll be busy and work 'til their dizzy
And live on the beach 'til the caplin are in.

There's some are long-whiskered and some are bald-headed
There’s Dicks, Jims and Billies, Joes, Georges and Jacks
There's little wee laddies and big-headed Paddies
All marching along with their nets on their backs

They rush for the water like ducks to a puddle
All floundering around like a crew in a wreck
There’s motor boats steaming while Johnny is screaming
Look, poor Uncle Tom has gone up to the neck.

And here's Uncle Billy, he's fussin' and cussin'
Me net it's all tattered and tangled and torn
A tuck load o' caplin got hooked in a grapnel
And now me old net is gone right from the horn.

He's lost all his fishes, o boy he looks vicious
He’s chawing tobacco; there's juice on his chin
There’s spawn in his whiskers; his hands are all blisters
He’s been on the beach since the caplin come in.

And now it's all over, the men getting ready
To hoist up their catch on their backs with a grin
Come laddies and lassies to the beach with your glasses
There’s sure to be fun now the caplin are in.

There are a couple of other good verses in there somewhere, detailing dip nets and cast nets, bait tucks and boat hooks...and something about twisting and turning like eels in the brook. Bet that Harold Power knows.