The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63490   Message #1031438
Posted By: katlaughing
07-Oct-03 - 06:39 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Spyware-eBay slowdown- what's wrong?
Subject: Tech: Spyware-ebay slowdown- what's wrong?
I have been trying to put some items on eBay for the past two days. Yesterday, it took the whole day, on and off, to put up one item because their site was almost at a standstill whenever I tried to enter an item for sale. My cursor would move very slowly without any text showing, then the text would slowly ooze into the box, like molasses on a cold day. Scrolling up and down a page was slower than a snail lays slime. This ONLY happened on eBay, not on any other site I went to.

I contacted their live help. They suggested I empty my cache and cookies, which I had done, recently, but oh, well, wot the hell, I did it again, also dummped Temp files and History. I also ran SpyBot, SpyBlaster, Ad-Aware, and have Zone Alarm and Proxomitron running all of the time. (I think I need to do something to Prox. though, I still get popups.) Nothing has helped. Next time I went to eBay, it was a little faster until I got to the about the third page when I tried to enter the description. Oh yeah, I've had "prompt" turned on for all cookies, scripts and java. I enabled all of those out of desperation, still didn't help!

So, I ran SpyBot, again, and that time deleted everything it came up with which included a bunch of registries. THEN I couldn't get my browser to work properly, so I went back in and did a recovery of all of the registries. Remember a few weeks ago when you all told me about Spyware because my homepage kept getting changed without my say-so? Well, now that I've turned all of those registries back on, it's doing it, again! And, it hasn't helped with eBay!!

I just want to get some things listed on ebay and I've never had this problem on their website before, well except when I had dialup, ages and ages ago.:-)

Anyone have any suggestions, something a not-so-techno-geek can understand and execute, or do I need a techdoc?

Oh, also, when I boot up now, it tells me it cannot find the msinfo.exe file referenced in the WIN.INI file and to either find it or remove the reference. (What's a Win-ini? A mondagren for Winnie the Pooh?) Well, I did a Find and it was nowhere. So, I took out my Recovery dick disc (some typos are too good!) and tried to use it, only to have it tell me it was meant for use on HP PCs ONLY. This is THE disk which came with same computer, THE HP PC to which it referred! Don't know if this has anything to do with the eBay thing, but thought I'd better mention it.

