The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63459   Message #1031666
Posted By: Dave Bryant
08-Oct-03 - 05:43 AM
Thread Name: Instruments: Tales of the Unexpected
Subject: RE: Instruments: Tales of the Unexpected
A hilarious duo called "Mister Gladstone's Bag" used to use some strange contraptions to duplicate sounds from early phonograph recordings. One of their instruments was a giant version of the bird warbler water-filled whistle which they called a "Pneumatic Nightingale". It was constructed from a watering-can with a Whistle down the spout and was powered by a large upright car tyre pump. They also sang through megaphones which contained some sort of mechanism to make a scratching sound. Surprisingly their version of "Beautiful Bird Sing on" came out exactly the same as the original Edison cylinder recording.

Sid Kipper seems to like producing spoof Norfolk instruments such as crab shells. Dave Driscoll of "Sadie Greensales Ragtime Jugband" plays a saw, but instead of using a bow, he uses a small percusion drumstick. If you get the chance to hear him do - he also plays two clarinet at once !