The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63516 Message #1032131
Posted By: Little Hawk
08-Oct-03 - 10:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: UK Animals valued more than Children
Subject: RE: BS: UK Animals valued more than Children
It's less problematical loving animals, because they love back pretty unconditionally and are essentially a lot easier to deal with than people. People are less afraid of their pets than they are of their kids, and THAT's why it's easier to push their emotional buttons with a charity for animals.
You can treat your dog with condescension, manipulation, selfishness, and a general lack of respect and he still worships you, but your kid won't by the time he reaches 14. I guarantee it.
People who aren't mature enough to relate well to another human can still do sort of okay with a pet.
And that's why, in an alienated modern society, pets have become a really big business! I figure that the more screwed up people get the more pets you will see them owning to make up for the emotional vacuum in their lives. Check out places like Beverly Hills, California for the lunatic fringe of this sort of thing.
Now in a simpler society (like Cuba or Trinidad) people may have pets all right, but they are far less involved with them, and the pets themselves live far freer and more natural lives, because they are not being made to fill a gulf of loneliness in their owners that can only truly be filled by other human beings. They're free to be real animals, not surrogate human companions.
There are almost no pets at the ashram I visit from time to time. Why would there be? People there are totally engaged with other people daily in a meaningful manner, and are not lacking for human company in the least.
No offense to those who love their pets! I have dearly loved various pets too. I also chose not to have children for various reasons. I just mean there's a terrible loneliness out there in modern society, and it's not a healthy situation. The worse it gets, the more you will see people huddling alone in their apartments with their pets, their TV, and their computer (speaking of which, I think I'll shut this little monster down!). Gahhh!