The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63514   Message #1032206
Posted By: Amos
09-Oct-03 - 12:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: Oh ye generation of morons...
Subject: RE: BS: Oh ye generation of morons...
Well here's what it is. If you believe these stories are not true then you have to believe that the media can lie and then you strat wondering if perhaps the GUMMINT can lie, and even maybe the PEE-RESIDENT can lie -- not to just anyone but to the PEE-PULL of the country!! And if you allow that idea then it ALL goes to hell in a hand basket and nothing holds and you just have to spend all day thinking for yourself and being on the look out for false ideas and such hazards. Now, I ask you, who has time to do that? And who would want to think they were in a country like that? I might rather be some kinda damn COMMunist, I swan! It just means nothing is wholly trustworthy -0- not God, not the country, not Mom nor apple pie and its just all goddamned humanist relativism. Well, I know whar mah values are and that ain't it, see????