The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63516   Message #1032243
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
09-Oct-03 - 02:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK Animals valued more than Children
Subject: RE: BS: UK Animals valued more than Children
a bit of history - A British/English society to protect animals came into existance much earlier in the 19th century than the one wanting to protect children.

And all us civilized 1st world countries spend more on pet stuff than some countries can spend on their people.

Every now & then we hear in Oz that some poor pensioner who gets Meals on Wheels (very cheap nutritious meals delivered daily by charities) giving some/most of it to their pet. We also have several wonderful groups who provide Therapy pets to disabled folks & to assist people stuck in nursing homes & hospitals. People who are physically, mentally or emotionally withdrawn have a better quality of life when these animals are part of their lives.
