The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63527   Message #1032630
Posted By: GUEST,MG
09-Oct-03 - 03:57 PM
Thread Name: songs about too few men
Subject: RE: songs about too few men
There are a lot of reasons why there are more women past a certain age than is that (I am doing this from memory now and not looking up specific research so feel to contradict with actual research)...they seem to be weaker immunologically so I think more die in infancy etc. even though there are usually more boys born than girls by a ratio of about 105 to 100. Then there are accidents, suicide, drug abuse, alcoholism (all of which affect women but I am sort of remembering they wipe out more men)...industrial accidents have traditionally killed more men, and put them out of commission...they don't have to be actually killed to be out of the gene pool or seen at church...just facing such social problems that they don't seek out society or are actively rejected. Some sleep under bridges and wander the streets...shelters will often accept women before men, leaving more men homeless. Women tend to marry upwardly and men downwardly..where does that leave the men at the bottom of the pecking order? The war thing of my generation is very significant in the US..60,000 dead officially, many more unofficially,and hundreds of thousands, if not more,in very very bad shape. Like I said at Sunnycamp, no one is singing Dancing at Whitsun to us, but they should (I have a song along those lines if anyone wants it).

Plus, at a certain age, they start dying much more rapidly than women of heart attacks especially (have your insulin levels checked please, gentlemen and ladies and avoid all trans fats and white flour and sugar..)

That explains why they aren't in society. It doesn't explain why they aren't in church, except that churchs often, despite the cry to the contrary, tend to be matriarchal and more female-friendly..who know.
