The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63516   Message #1032743
Posted By: GUEST,Ely, the veterinary technician
09-Oct-03 - 08:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: UK Animals valued more than Children
Subject: RE: BS: UK Animals valued more than Children
I'm of the "apples and oranges" opinion (and of course I think that we shouldn't need either organization), but I'm going to go on a rant, anyway.

Pets living "freer and more natural lives" often live considerably shorter, less healthy lives, too. I love my dog and consider her to be, if not completely human, human in many respects. I feed her premium dog food because junk food isn't good for ANYONE. I get her heartworm pills because heartworms are a horrible way to die. She gets pills for epilepsy because even mild seizures cause brain damage. I walk her at least three miles a day because everyone needs exercise (she's a small dog). I get her toys because she likes toys. If worse comes to worst and she ends up needing prescription food or some other medications as she gets older, I'll get those, too, as long as she is not in pain.

Not everyone is childless because they don't like kids. I'd like kids but I'm single, underpaid, and work long hours; I cannot, in any respect, afford a human child.

On the flip side, a lot of devoted pet owners have children, too (I grew up with a younger brother and a series of pampered dogs and cats). People who are so selfish that they mostly sit in their rooms feeling sorry for themselves don't make good pet owners any more than they make good parents.