The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63514   Message #1033055
Posted By: Bee-dubya-ell
10-Oct-03 - 08:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Oh ye generation of morons...
Subject: RE: BS: Oh ye generation of morons...
To return to the article that led off this thread....

I don't think that the issue is so much that people are ill-informed or misinformed as much as that they are selectively deaf. The attitude of many Americans is, "George W. Bush said it so it's gotta be the truth." The three misconceptions referred to in the article are not just misconceptions, they are Bush administration policy. Anyone who points out that they are, in fact, lies, is a lying liberal and can be ignored (or he is a traitor and deserves to be shot for implying that GWB is less than perfect). Bush's lies are what many Americans want to believe and evidence to the contrary be damned.
