The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63181   Message #1033433
Posted By: Ferrara
10-Oct-03 - 07:19 PM
Thread Name: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Program - 2003
Well, I laid out a schedule -- still have to type it though, which could take a couple of hours due to the perversity of MS-WORD....

Please note: usually, one or two or even three people help me do this -- they tend to catch some of my worst mistakes -- so I'm gonna post it but --- I suspect there's gonna be a few comments of one kind or another.

The worst problem is that there are people who volunteered to lead workshops and I don't have their names on the list.

That's because I lost your PM's and my notes are too confused to read... AFTER I get the schedule up I'll check my notes again but IF YOU DON"T SEE YOUR NAME and you thought you had a workshop, Please let me know!

The second worst problem ;-) will be if I have you scheduled to be in two places at the same time.... If so, you probably should mention it.

Who is Signing off for a bit so I can tackle typing this thing....