The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59803   Message #1033665
Posted By: GUEST,Ian Johnson
11-Oct-03 - 09:31 AM
Thread Name: Neil Sharpley Any News? - 2003 court trial
Subject: RE: Neil Sharpley Any News?
What breathtaking arrogance. What is happening to the legal system in the UK when crooks like Neil Sharpley are able to walk away from justice? From what I read the man had been dipping into clients accounts and was struck off as a solicitor by his professional association for that dishonesty. But that was a civil matter - didn't the Police have a duty to deal with the criminal side of this conduct, and by the same reasoning, didn't the court have a duty to deal with the criminality?? It seems that yet again the courts have failed in that duty as they do almost daily nowadays. I wonder like Guest (above) what happened to the money stolen from Mr Lewis and also how Mr Lewis and his family feel - do they think justice has been done? Do they think they have been treated "fairly" by the Court? It seems to be a misplaced direction by yet another barmy judge.   Mr Sharpley must surely be heading for a fall sooner or later as this sort of "slipping through the noose" cannot go without remark or eventual action - legal or otherwise.