The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63520   Message #1033740
Posted By: Rapparee
11-Oct-03 - 12:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: A house! A house!
Subject: RE: BS: A house! A house!
Mine'll say a lot about me, all right!

"Looky here! Those paperbacks are so old that they're all tatty. Slob!" "The 'Psychopathia Sexualis' -- well, we know what sort of person HE is!" "And here -- both 'The Fifth Gospel' AND 'The Acts of Jesus' right there next to 'Lamb'! Blasphemy AND heresy! Let's burn 'im!" "Wait, wait -- he's got 'Get Tough!' and 'Instinct Shooting'. Let's think this over a bit." "Nah, he's also got the Bible, the Book of Mormon, 'Doctrines and Covenants', the Bagadha Gita, Lao Tzu, and other sorts of books -- and here! Copies of the 'Anarchist's Cookbook' and the Constitution and Karl Marx and the Declaration of Independence and the 'Federalist Papers' and the writings of Thomas Jefferson! Git the rope boys, we got ourselves a Commie Atheist Anarchist Pervert!"

And this is before the music books chime in (pun intended).