The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63520   Message #1033919
Posted By: Rapparee
11-Oct-03 - 09:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: A house! A house!
Subject: RE: BS: A house! A house!
I just got back from a 5 and half hour long home inspection. I'm exhausted.

Basically, the place is in pretty good shape. The roof is at the end of life (EOL) and so is the water heater. There are some settlement cracks to be taken care of, and there is evidence of old termite infestations without treatment (none active were seen). The gas furnace needs to be serviced, the chimneys swept, and GFCIs installed outside and in all areas near water. The kitchen stove exhaust fan only goes into the attic, as do the bathroom exhaust fans (this was okay when the place was built, but not now). A couple of toilets are loose and may be leaking, and the master bathroom shower needs to be recaulked and regrouted. Some flashing has come off and birds have gotten into the attic.

Radon monitoring is going on now and will finish on Monday. Nothing like buying a house and finding that glowing in the dark makes lightbulbs unnecessary.

In short, nothing money won't fix.... And some of it needn't be done now; even more is "monitor and take action if warranted."

I AM going to have the stump of a satellite antenna and its attendant wiring removed for the backyard -- or I may just modify it and turn it into a vertically oriented spud gun.

Sorry gang, the hot tub was removed a long time ago, the pool table's gone, and they're taking the gun safe.

I forgot to mention the books on business, computers, humor, literature, poetry, quilting, pottery, quilting, novels, quilting, domestic architecture of the US, military history, feminism, philosophy, libraries, and did I mention quilting? I'm looking forward to seeing some of my books again -- some have been boxed for three years. It'll be like renewing old friendships.