The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63520   Message #1033931
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
11-Oct-03 - 10:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: A house! A house!
Subject: RE: BS: A house! A house!
I think a party is called for as soon as he's in the place! One of those virtual ones, where we can dig up the yard as we bring in the equipment and it won't show the morning after.

The electrical work can be expensive, though if it is just changing out the ground fault breakers that's not too bad. I have to deal with some ventillation problems in my house also (better vents from the bathrooms so the ceiling doesn't fall in from condensation). And my kitchen fan is supposed to vent outside, but the pipe is a tad short. I have a collar thing to put on it (now that the attic is cooler again) that should solve any vent problems there.

I'm crossing my fingers that I can keep the squirrels out this year. And you be careful in an attic that has had birds. Histoplasmosis is a real health hazard around dried bird and bat guano if there is any to speak of.

Too bad about the hot tub. You could mull a lot of cider (and several Mudcatters) in there on a cold winter night (the night of the party, of course!).