The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10062 Message #1034369
Posted By: GUEST,The Half
12-Oct-03 - 11:03 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Lord Randall
Subject: Lyr Add: LORD RANDALL
The one I know is:
Where have you been, Lord Randall my son? Where have you been, my sweet pretty one? I've been to my sweetheart's. Oh, make my bed soon. For I'm sick to my heart, and fain would lie down.
What did she give you, Lord Randall my son? What did she give you, my sweet pretty one? She gave me some eels. Oh, make my bed soon, For I'm sick to my heart, and fain would lie down.
Where did she get them, Randall my son? Where did she get them, my sweet pretty one? From the hedges and the ditches. Oh, make my bed soon, For I'm sick to my heart, and fain would lie down.
What color were they, Randall my son? What color were they, my sweet pretty one? They were speckled and spotted. Oh, make my bed soon, For I'm sick to my heart, and fain would lie down.
They were strong poisons, Lord Randall my son. They were strong poisons, my sweet pretty one. You'll die you'll die. Oh, make my bed soon, For I'm sick to my heart, and fain would lie down.
What will you leave your father, Lord Randall my son? What will you leave your father, my sweet pretty one? My land and my houses. Oh, make my bed soon, For I'm sick to my heart, and fain would like down.
What will you leave your mother, Lord Randall my son? What will you leave your mother, my sweet pretty one? My gold and my silver. Oh, make my bed soon, For I'm sick to my heart, and fain would lie down.
What will you leave your sweetheart, Lord Randall my son? What will you leave your sweetheart, my sweet pretty one? A rope to hang her. Oh, make my bed soon, For I'm sick to my heart, and fain would like down.