The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63618   Message #1034747
Posted By: Tyke
13-Oct-03 - 01:51 PM
Thread Name: dyslexia jokes offensive?
Subject: RE: dyslexia jokes offensive?
All in all I'm pleased to be Dyslexic! When I real off a monolgue and people say how on earth did you all remember that? The answere is I'm Dyslexic! I have an emense long term memory once somthing is in ther I don't usualy for get. The some of the down sides are my visual / short term memory is rubish to none exsistant and I can't spell or proof read. So I miss out words and worry about the thing that I write.

I'm easly distracted when reading so I need to sit down somwhere quiet. If I watching Tellivision however you could set off a bomb and I probably would not hear it. Understanding Dyslexia when your dyslexic means understanding your own dyslexcia. Not nessasarly other peoples. I shall now copy this into a spell check and past it back.

If you are dyslexic you will not be able to tell the differance. Then again you may not be able to tell the difference in any case! Why? because I may or may not have made any spelling mistakes! So you may not be dyslexic! Then again depending on how you are when you read this you may be dyslexic and just having a good day. The answer is that I am Dyslexic and I do not know the answer.

All in all I'm pleased to be Dyslexic! When I real off a monologue and people say how on earth did you all remember that? The answer is I'm Dyslexic! I have an immense long-term memory once something is in there I don't usually for get. The some of the down sides are my visual / short-term memory is rubbish to none existent and I can't spell or proof read. So I miss out words and worry about the thing that I write.

I'm easily distracted when reading so I need to sit down somewhere quiet. If I watching Television however you could set off a bomb then I probably would not hear it at all. Understanding Dyslexia when your dyslexic means understanding your own dyslexia. Not necessarily other peoples. I shall now copy this into a spell check and past it back.

If you are dyslexic you will not be able to tell the difference. Then again you may not be able to tell the difference in any case! Why? Because I may or may not have made any spelling mistakes! So you may not be dyslexic! Then again depending on how you are when you read this you may be dyslexic and just having a good day. The answer is that I am Dyslexic and I do not know the answer.

The question was do I find Dyslexic jokes offensive? The answer is not if the person who is telling the joke understands Dyslexia. So if I were telling a Dyslexic joke it would be OK for me to take the Mickey out of myself. Once I've done that it should be all right to take the Mickey out of Banjo Players and tell Banjo player jokes. Just as long as it's not to a room full of Banjo Players! I obviously do not want to have to spend the rest of the night explaining the joke to them!!