The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63595   Message #1034797
Posted By: GUEST,sorefingers
13-Oct-03 - 03:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Fighting fair in arguments
Subject: RE: BS: Fighting fair in arguments
I agree with Mr Mc G and add that often folks are so wrapt up in a fight that they forget what they came here for.

But I must add; this website is proof that there are people who don't give a dang about spelling or grimmer or anyother literary device for that matter, but who would be ashamed if they played a bad chord while singing a folk song.

I know my remark is off topic, but I do fervently pray that some folks here get the message - it is a musicians website ; so being kicked around here by some egghead for bad English should be a serious offence esp if the thread is a request for folkie information.

Musicians tend for the most part to be slightly literary since they need be familiar with lyrics and OC a bit of poetry, but to be copy perfect at prose? I don't think so.

If 'literary' folks want to compare notes and compete for netprose professor of the year, they should not be doing it to some unsuspecting picker who is here for the musicana.

my 2 cents