The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10062   Message #1034821
Posted By: Doug Chadwick
13-Oct-03 - 03:47 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Lord Randall
For best effect this should be sung with great passion, with much groaning, face pulling and holding of the stomach.
The line "Greeeeeeen and Yella" should conjure up pictures of snot & slime.

Green and Yella

Where have you been all day, Henry my son?
Where have you been all day, my current bun?
To the woods dear Mother
To the woods dear Mother
Oh Mother be quick
For I wannn'a be sick
Gonn'a lay me down and die

What did you do there, Henry my boy ?
What did you do there, my pride and joy ?
Ate dear Mother
Ate dear Mother
        Oh Mother be quick ...........

What did you eat there, Henry my son ?
What did you eat there, my current bun ?
Eels dear Mother,
Eels dear Mother
        Oh Mother be quick ...........

What colour were they, Henry my boy ?
What colour were they, my pride and joy ?
Greeeeeeen and Yella ,
Greeeeeeen and Yella
        Oh Mother be quick ...........        

Them eels were snakes, Henry my son
Them eels were snakes, my current bun
(holding stomach in pain and groaning)
Oooooooooooooh Mother,
Oooooooooooooh Mother
        Oh Mother be quick ...........

What did you have with 'em, Henry my boy ?
What did you have with 'em, my pride and joy ?
Mushrooms dear Mother,        
Mushrooms dear Mother
        Oh Mother be quick ...........

What colour were they, Henry my son ?
What colour were they, my current bun ?
Greeeeeeen and Yella ,
Greeeeeeen and Yella
        Oh Mother be quick ...........
Them mushrooms were toadstools, Henry my boy
Them mushrooms were toadstools, my pride and joy
Oooooooooooooh Mother,
Oooooooooooooh Mother
        Oh Mother be quick ...........

What colour flowers d'ya want on your grave, Henry my son ?
What colour flowers d'ya want on your grave, my current bun ?
Greeeeeeen and Yella ,
Greeeeeeen and Yella
        Oh Mother be quick ...........

Doug C