The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1002 Message #1034940
Posted By: Susan of DT
13-Oct-03 - 07:31 PM
Thread Name: Origin: Peace of the River (G Gosling, V Wood)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Peace I ask of thee oh river
We seem to have had some thread creep here, but as another old girl scout. I'll jump in. Many of the ones I do know were not from girl scouts, but from summer camp in New york in the 1950's to early 60's.
Gehlobit - no - no, never hear of it Walk Shepherdess, Walk - yes, but not from camp (one of my Dad's fav songs) - no The Billboard Song - yes, but (again) not from Narrin - no Witchcraft - no - yes, I thiink from scouts Kum By Yah - definitely - yes, but not from scouts Jacob's Ladder - no - yes, not from scouts Man's Life's a Vapor - no - no I'm Wild about Horns on Automobiles - yes! (that one brought a smile to my face...) - no Stodala Pumpa - no - no I'd like to be just like the Wind - no - no
Here are the songs I remember from Narrin: Peace I Ask of Thee oh River (of course)- yes, scouts Sippin' Cider/The other day I met a bear - YES, Tinker let's try it Spiderweb - no There are Suitors at my Door - yes In the Land of Oden (sp?) - no Tovishka - with hand motions - no An Austrian Went Yodeling - with hand motions -no The Spades (go Tulips together) - with hand motions - no (Si si si) Playmate - with hand motions - yes, not from scouts Donkey Riding - yes, with hand motions Oleanna - yes, not from scouts The Ash Grove - yes The Happy Wanderer - yes, learned in music is elementary school I Know a Place - no John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt - yes, camp Land of the Silver Birch - no (The Life of a) Voyageur - no (I've got a Little) Pile of Tin - no, but yes to the Baby Blue Ford Desperado - yes, not scouts Green Trees/Taps - yes to taps, including Mariners taps The Ship Titanic - yes Rise & Shine (& give God the glory glory) - yes, camp Barges (of course) - no If All the Raindrops (were lemon drops & gum drops) - vaguely L-O-double L-I (P-O-P spells Lollipop) - yes Roll Me Over in the Clover (a naughty one!) - not as a kid Ho Young Rider - no Hola Hee Hola Ho - no I Had a Little Dog (named Do-fi) - Bingo?? Do Your Ears Hang Low? - Yes Piccolo Mini -yes Dickie Bird - no Silly Willie - no
Rounds: Rise Up Oh Flame - no Make New Friends - definitely scouts Whene'er You Make a Promise - definately scouts I Have Promises to Keep/The Woods Are Lovely, Dark & Deep - not as song Ah, Poor Bird - vaguely Rose/America - no Little Jack Horner - with hand motions Evening Star - with hand motions - no A Ram Sam Sam - no Buddies & Pals - no Here I Sit & Wait for You - no, but here we sit like birds in the wilderness? La The Little Bells (of Westminster) - no