The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63618   Message #1035081
Posted By: HuwG
13-Oct-03 - 11:57 PM
Thread Name: dyslexia jokes offensive?
Subject: RE: dyslexia jokes offensive?
An example of a well known dyslexic personality which occurs to me, is Toyah Wilcox (punk singer from the 1980's, and TV and Radio presenter since then). Whatever difficulty she might have with reading or spelling, it would be impossible to tell from her very articulate and logical presentation. Since I find incongrous to link dyslexia with any personal or social disadvantage, I would find dyslexic jokes less hurtful than those about "spastics" ie. those who have suffered from cerebral palsy.

On the other hand, anyone who has been deemed "stupid" during childhood because of dyslexia, would obviously disagree with me. And of course, there are only two or three dyslexic jokes which are at all amusing, and which I do not propose to labour.

Incidentally, a girl I know is slightly dyslexic. She is also a very pleasant and generous character. Everyone who knows her is patient, and makes no comment as she laboriously reads sentences in newspapers or magazines. We save our scorn for those supposedly intelligent people in petty authority who talk or correspond in meaningless and incommunicative jargon.


Not a joke about dsyslexia as such, but ... The Monty Python team once performed a sketch in which John Cleese introduced Eric Idle as a man who spoke only in anagrams. Eric proceeded to do just that for several minutes until John frowed in bewilderment and said, "But surely, that last sentence was a spoonerism rather than an anagram ?" To which Eric replied, "Well, if that's your attitude, I'll p**s off !", and stormed off set.