The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63661   Message #1035658
Posted By: open mike
14-Oct-03 - 05:57 PM
Thread Name: 6 reasons why I don't buy CDs ...
Subject: RE: 6 reasons why I don't buy CDs ...
the best way is to get direct from the artist..
rarely over 15 $US if you acquire them as concerts-
then you cut out the middle man and the performer
gets a better percentage of the cost. You may find
a cut that you like that isn't the one which is
chosen for radio play, or by the label or others
who choose such things. Or one that was not perfor-
med in concert which means more to you than the ones
that were. The poeple who wrote and played and sang
the songs should be the ones who get the proceeds of
the sales. I know that some venues require the band
to share a certain percentage of the sales with them.
Esp. big businesses like universities...