The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63675   Message #1035854
Posted By: Mooh
14-Oct-03 - 11:50 PM
Thread Name: Not your usual guitar hero
Subject: Not your usual guitar hero!
Several recent threads have inspired me to reflect on those unsung folks who make the guitar world go 'round. There are some major corporate folks who get their due, like Bob Taylor, or Mr.Martin the 32nd or whatever. There are some major recording folk who get their due, like any number of pickers but say...Bruce Cockburn or Tony Rice. And there are the late greats, like Django.

But what of those folks who make it all so much easier for the rest of us? Teachers? Repair folk? Innovators? Mentors?

There's a semi-retired local gentleman who charges ridiculously little for creative repairs, does so happily, is honoured to be your friend, and will share his expertise with anyone who asks. I've learned much from him over the years, including some lessons in humility. It's because of him that I am confident enough to do some smaller repairs myself. I owe Ernie much which I will never be able to repay. God bless him.

The repair guru with the highest international profile is likely Frank Ford. This guy's website ( saves guitars faster than the Asian factories can make them.

So how about it? Who's your unsung guitar hero?
