The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63666   Message #1036170
15-Oct-03 - 11:46 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: England's Motorway
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: England's Motorway
Come my little son and I will tell you what we`ll do,               
Undress yourself and get into your bed,and a tale I`ll tell to you
It`s all about your daddy, he`s a man you seldom see
For he`s had to roam far away from home,away from you and me.

CHORUS: But remember laddie he`s still your dad
       Though he`s workind far away,
       In the cold and the heat,all the hours of the week,
       On England`s Motorway.

To buy your shoes your daddy laid a length of railway track,
He built a hydro-dam to put the clothes upon your back.
This motor highway buys the food though the wages soon are spent
But we need the money your daddy earns,for to pay the rent.

When you fall and hurt yourself and get up feeling bad,
There is no use to cry and go a`running for your dad,
For the only time since you were born that he`s had to spend with you,
He was out of a job and he hadn`t a bob*, signing on the brew**.

* Bob= 1 old shilling.   ** Brew=coruption of the word "Bureau" another word for Labour Exchange.