The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12870   Message #103630
Posted By: catspaw49
10-Aug-99 - 05:46 AM
Thread Name: Test Your Mudcat IQ
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
Since the plane is late, here's a few more for those of you who are completely addicted.

A-What DC 'Catter once "slung hash" in a Sail-In/Drive-In with the suggestive name, "The Blue Goose?"

B-Which billboard defacing Mudcatter is getting married in September (I haven't heard otherwise, so I assume it's still a go)?

C-Name the Korean born 'Cat denizen who is also a Civil War re-enactor.

D-Who's married to Marge?

E-This 'Catter is constantly trying to "fix-up" her son with every young girl who passes by the 'Cat.

F-Who ripped a big one in her martial arts class?

G-This 'Cat, in younger days, shared a house where members of the "Weather Underground" were building bombs in the basement (No, Seed, it wasn't me).

H-Paw and the Reg boys were almost killed in Frederic,Maryland by a Norfolk-Southern freight train...What were they doing at the time that 'caused them not to notice the fast freight bearing down upon them?

I-Which "proper" 'Catter found the website for Dental Dams, providing many with an "education?"

J-What once "hard livin'" and Shantey singin' Mudcatter penned a beautiful,touching, and heartfelt song about "Special Kids?"

Well there you have it....I'll send a stick dulcimer to the first person that gets all 10.........Now I'm gonna' try for more sleep til it's time to board the plane.
