The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63675 Message #1036343
Posted By: Phil Cooper
15-Oct-03 - 05:44 PM
Thread Name: Not your usual guitar hero
Subject: RE: Not your usual guitar hero
Mooh, no, this is someone else. Ken has run Tobias music for a long time. He now specializes in high end acoustics (though he still has a nice variety of lower priced guitars). He phased out electrics, figuring that the Guitar Centers would take care of that market. It's a small shop. He's an authorized Martin and Taylor repaid center. Like I said, he'll do minor things himself while you're at the shop, major things he farms out to a couple different guys and they work hard to get your guitar back to you as soon as possible. It took less than a week to get my old Santa Cruz model H a re-fret job and he only took a short time to get the highlander mics installed in all my instruments (and only charged $25.00 to do them).