The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63701   Message #1036637
Posted By: Malcolm Douglas
16-Oct-03 - 05:49 AM
Thread Name: PEL stops session in Cheshire
Subject: RE: PEL stops session in Cheshire
It does seem that this action is being taken under the old law, and that the session has probably always been illegal. The majority of local authorities were content to leave well alone in the past, but more will certainly now feel obliged strictly to enforce the law in the run-up to implementation of the new one. Many musicians and licencees will be confused about this, and blame the new regulations; but what is probably more immediately to blame here for any change of attitude is the publicity consequent upon our (necessary) protests over the new law. Authorities will feel that they must be seen to be doing their job as required by law, and now that the profile of such things has been raised, sessions and the like are more likely to be targetted than they have been in the past. The fact that the old law is stupid and unnecessary is not the issue now, and it will not become apparent exactly how stupid and unnecessary the new law is for some time yet.

Having said all that, it is important that all instances of this kind be precisely and accurately documented. If a significant change in enforcement patterns emerges over the run-up period to implementation of the new law, it may add weight to argument when the MU and EFDSS talk to the DCMS about review. Evidence must be properly documented, though: purely anecdotal reports will carry little weight.