The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12908   Message #103668
Posted By: catspaw49
10-Aug-99 - 10:16 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Tavern - Round 6
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Round 6

bbc my dear, set me up with a nice exotic coffee, something with a splash of rum..........It's a great day! The Fair One there beat me to it, but I've been watching the "Tavern" here with hope in my heart and wishing for it's success...........and WHY you ask? Well it is a nice, fun, thread that's helped us get past a recent unpleasantness, but for me, it NOW officially goes even one better. Total postings have now surpassed those on the "Catspaw's About to Belly Up" threads!!! Now don't get me wrong here, no one could be more thankful for the overwhelming support, prayers, and outpouring of love that was shown to me, and indeed showed to most of us what this village and it's citizens can be and often is. A wonderful place..............

But do you have any idea what it's like to be the "subject" of such a......uh,I EVENT? It is a relief not to hold such a dubious record as "most postings on one subject." I will be eternally grateful and thankful to all of you, but bless you all for making the "Tavern" a "happening." Interesting that both threads started as a result of a crisis...........ah, hell, let the sociologists figure it out......

Set'em up for everyone who comes in today on me!!! I feel like a weight has been lifted.........Drink up friends.........
