The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63675 Message #1037183
Posted By: John Hardly
16-Oct-03 - 10:09 PM
Thread Name: Not your usual guitar hero
Subject: RE: Not your usual guitar hero
I'm getting a kick out of meeting some real grassroots guitar builders that are building fine instruments for the sheer love of it (and what $$ they can manage to keep their heads above water).
My bi-weekly fiddle tune jam takes place on the porch of the shop of just such a guy -- Jim Shenk.
Jim is building some very fine guitars, some of his own innovative designs. He's quick with a smile and he'll pull one of his dobros out and jam with you at the drop of the suggestion.
But his shop is also becoming the center of a budding music community -- all amature, all serious and seriously having fun.
We tend to think large scale in music -- talk about recording artists whose recordings are availible at all the outlets (amazon, CDbaby etc), and we think of instruments like Martin, Gibson and all the new boutique guitar makers...
...but it's so cool to see this parallel universe of music -- folk -- and an instrument maker working with the same sensibilities.
My friends keep ordering his mandolins and I hope to some day afford one myself.