The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63519   Message #1037321
Posted By: GUEST,Edain's Secret Santa
17-Oct-03 - 11:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: Secret Santa Goofy Hints 2003
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa Goofy Hints 2003
Dearest Edain,

How wonderful to hear from you! It seems "Daddy" has done the trick! I received a visit in my "accommodation" during the early hours of the morning from the Deputy Governor of this accursed establishment, accompanied by a most unpleasant Detective Constable who, in exchange for my "winnings", secured my release!!

A large price to pay for my liberty but this is how these things apparently work in this third world country that still tries to call itself ENGLAND!

Anyway, I am heading east on the train as we speak, passing through Millstone Grit country and towards the great Vale. How I long to feel the Boulder Clay of home under my feet again. I can say no more as I am sure my communications are being monitored and there is a strange man peering over the top of a newspaper at the back of the carriage who I am convinced is following me! (they seem to think I know something about the missing silver from the school dining room!!)

I am pleased you have taken my advice on how to deal with life abroad. Keep your guard up at all times my dear, I know you are a sensible sort. Dont worry, supplies will be with you as soon as I am settled.