The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14441   Message #1037562
Posted By: kytrad (Jean Ritchie)
17-Oct-03 - 09:06 PM
Thread Name: Songs to Star of the County Down?
Subject: RE: Songs to Star of the County Down?
Lorraine-PM: tried to PM you, but 'they' wouldn't accept your name. But if you see this, I just wanted to say that the lyric you printed in your posting, above, is my own reworking of our lovely old 'breast of glass' song, so as to fit the words into the 'Star of the County Down' tune- it's a favorite of mine, and I couldn't ever get the original (?) ones to fit well. My fault I guess...Anyway, I did it especially for the Lee/Nicholson album, to follow their dulcimer instrumentals of the tune- in three different rhythms (maybe not the right word- but as a march, a waltz, etc). The recording is now available as a CD, recently requested by Lorraine Lee Hammond. I think it's listed on my website if anyone is interested in our uses (mis-uses?) of the song.