The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63712 Message #1037797
Posted By: Gareth
18-Oct-03 - 04:29 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: songs about the Irish Potato Famine
Subject: RE: Irish Potato Famine
Amos is correct on this - Grain etc., was still being exported at the time of the famine.
But please hold in mind that this dogmatic economic policy applied to the whole of the United Kingdom, and effected the working class in England, Wales, and Scotland as well.
Please also hold to mind that the results of the "Great Famine" resulted in economic and political reforms in the UK.
What could/would not be changed was the system of land tenure in Ireland.
Co-incidently Samual Plimsole's attempts to aplie some safety standards to shipping and health and diet of passengers came as a result of the coffin ships. (Yeah alright an oversimplification)