The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63691   Message #1037864
Posted By: GUEST,Waldorf
18-Oct-03 - 09:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
Subject: RE: BS: How do you flirt with an Existentialist?
Everybody didn't think Noah was nuts. There was a guy named Abdel who thought Noah was right on, but Noah didn't like him so he never got a place on the boat. This didn't stop Abdel, however, because he and his wife Lobelia disguised themselves as a unicorn and managed to get aboard at the last minute, along with a real unicorn. It is uncertain what gender the real unicorn was, but in any case it was quite unable to mate successfully with the Abdel/Lobelia combination during the voyage...or after it. Abdel and Lobelia started up a falafel business after the deluge, and didn't do too well at first because of a lack of customers, but in time the business grew. Abdel's descendants have mainly stuck to fast food, although one offshoot of the family helped found a Minnesota chapter of the Hell's Angels in recent years.

This also explains why unicorns died out.