The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63751   Message #1038143
Posted By: GUEST
19-Oct-03 - 08:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: On Not Hating One's Enemies
Subject: RE: BS: On Not Hating One's Enemies
Knowing evil when we see it has little to do with partisan political zealotry, John Hardly. There are plenty of evil doings going on across the political spectrum. In that, I include much of what the current and previous administrations have done. Politically, I'm a registered independent, which means I'm neither Democrat or Republican. So what sort of political zealot does that make me exactly?

You seem (to me) to be suggesting that glossing over the evil acts our political leaders commit (and that most the population colludes with) is what, morally superior to naming the evil and standing up against it, because that might make us appear to those who are the evil doers and their collaborators perceive us as zealots?