The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63754   Message #1038301
Posted By: Rapparee
20-Oct-03 - 08:27 AM
Thread Name: Brits 21 Favourite Books -- Yours?
Subject: RE: Brits 21 Favourite Books -- Yours?
Oooooooooookay.... I'm a librarian, and this list is personal and subject to change at any moment. Moreover, it's not in any particular order, but the order MAY be peculiar.

Starship troopers, Heinlein.
Goodbye to all that, Graves.
The Things they carried, O'Brien.
Cowboy Curmudgeon, McRae.
A Brief history of time, Hawking.
The devouring fungus, (can't remember)
Up on the river, Madsen.
Breakup, Stabenow.
Anything with words in print, including (but not limited to) toilet paper wrappers, flour bags, outhouse walls, warning signs, and sewer lids.