The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63514   Message #1038434
Posted By: GUEST,WHA-A-A-A-TTTT???
20-Oct-03 - 11:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: Oh ye generation of morons...
Subject: RE: BS: Oh ye generation of morons...
Americans are "the best informed people in the world"?????

Oh yeah? LOL! I wonder who dreamed up that notion?

Must have been an American, I suppose.... :-)

I mean, really, what on earth would make Americans better informed than, say, the English, the Germans, the French, the Japanese, the Canadians, the Swiss, the Irish, the Norwegians, the...etc..etc..etc..?

It's little Freudian slips like that which inadvertently expose the collosal hubris and unreality that is imprinted on American culture and taken for granted in the 50 states of the Union by its befuddled populace.

Look, guys, I lived in the USA for some years, and I found them to be comparatively less well informed than a number of other societies I've been exposed to. When a system has a great deal to hide, it doesn't tend to inform its people particularly well. It simply buries them under an avalanche of carefully prepared disinformation and propaganda, along with the usual commercial advertising, which is the main point of its media anyway.

The last thing the US government has in mind is to truly inform people.

If people in the USA were truly informed there'd be a revolution, and the careers of most of your leaders would be abruptly terminated.