The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63765   Message #1038688
Posted By: Gorgeous Gary
20-Oct-03 - 08:47 PM
Thread Name: Getaway 2003 Memories
Subject: RE: Getaway 2003 Memories
Another great Getaway!

Ron Davies sang (rapped?) the Pheremones song about the 17-year cicadas, assisted by his wife Jan. They're among the locals; in fact Ron sings in the Choral Arts Society of Greater Washington with my father. (On which I frequently quip...this year, as I said my goodbyes, it was "Keep my dad out of trouble...").

Highlights (many covered by others): Big Mick's concert. The Shellbacks concert. Meeting Alaska Mike and hearing his songs (I **must** learn "Iditarod"). The small Saturday night circle with Mick, Tinker, Pauline Lerner, Lucy Goldberg and David Scheim, Alaska Mike, and whoever else wandered through. Nautical Songs, Songs of the Frozen North, Parodies, Humorous Songs, In The Tradition, Pub Sing (hey Rita or Bill...ask Darriel which Great Big Sea songs I should learn for next year! ). Songs in 3/4 Time--with dancers even!--worked great...I'd love to see that on next year's schedule.

One question: Someone in the Songs of the Frozen North workshop sang a Jean Redpath song to a tune I usually associate with "In Connemara". I'd like to learn it but didn't get the title. Anyone out there recognize the song?

Since several folks asked, here's a link to the lyrics for When I Was A Boy (the when-I-was-your-age computer song I regularly perpetrate in the Humor workshop...)

-- Gary