The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63765   Message #1039026
Posted By: Ferrara
21-Oct-03 - 12:54 PM
Thread Name: Getaway 2003 Memories
Subject: RE: Getaway 2003 Memories
Annie, you asked how long this has been going on. This was the 39th FSGW Getaway although it started a little later than 39 years ago. Jennifer Woods could tell us exactly when it started. (She told me, but I promptly forgot. That's the only kind of thing I ever do promptly by the way.) A few years had two Getaways, spring and fall.

For some reason, the "number" of the Getaway was always written in Roman Numerals until I started typing the programs and mistakenly left it out entirely.... Added it again this year but "XXXIX" doesn't convey a lot of information at a glance....

**** Next year will be our 40th Getaway! Let's make it a splendid one.

Joe, Mick was already a hero far's I'm concerned. He works year in and year out to protect the rights of people who lack the power to protect themselves. Hope you're blushing, Mick.

Mick has taken off 75 pounds since last year. (Now I come to think of it that's heroic too.) He's still big though. He didn't take off any of his height.

"Our" Shellbacks are heading downtown to take a sightseeing tour. So instead of getting some more sleep like a sensible person I'm here reading Mudcat. Naturally.