The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63765   Message #1039184
Posted By: CET
21-Oct-03 - 04:47 PM
Thread Name: Getaway 2003 Memories
Subject: RE: Getaway 2003 Memories
Charmion and I are now back in the land of Tim Horton, autoharp in tow (for Willie-O).

A few highlights that come to mind now (there are many others):

The Gospel sing on Sunday morning. I was buzzing when I came out of it. One song in particular stands out in my memory - "Three Men on the Mountain".

Having a gang of Shellbacks help with the chorus on one of my favourite French songs - I know it as Wing Tra La, but I suspect it's real title is different.

Discovering two absolutely stunning voices - Elizabeth La Prelle and Alaska Mike. Elizabeth has a pure moutain style of singing, beautiful tone and flawless delivery. She has the kind of voice that makes you want to stop breathing so you don't interfere with the sound she's creating. Mike has the biggest bass voice I've ever heard at any folk event, but it isn't just loud. It's absolutely effortless and perfectly controlled.

Getting lyrics from Dave Diamond to one of his great parodies.

Belting out the Marseillaise at the Foreign Language workshop.

I am proud to say that Charmion and I contributed to two firsts at this year's Getaway:

1st tune played - Saint Anne's reel with Charmion on guitar and Susan A-R on fiddle.

1st beer in the fridge - me. (Some of which got left behind. I hope the staff at Camp Ramblewood enjoy it.)

Thanks to everyone. There are too many of you to name.
