The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63694   Message #1039621
Posted By: Bobert
22-Oct-03 - 09:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: Explaining the 'right-wing power grab'
Subject: RE: BS: Explaining the 'right-wing power grab'
In "Bush v. Gore" the Supreme court ruled that if the Florida recount were to continue then Bush would be "harmed".... Hmmmmmm, Part 26,549, and countin'...

As fir libereals v. conservatives. Look at Rush Limbuagh. Had he been a liberal, the conservatives would have been on him like ugly on a gorilla. The condimnations would be raining down from every crack and crevice of the conservative community. The *hate* would come thru loud and clear. But Rush isn't a liberal. Quite the opposite and look at the liberal's response to the situation. "Hypocrisy" is about the worst thing we can come up with but quickly get beyond that to feelings of pity and compassion for a man who is suffering... This speaks volumes about the differences.

Compassionate conservatism is an oximoron.

And lets look at the difference between the two camps have treated Clinton and Bush. Clinton was hated because he beat Bush the Father and though Clinton put forth a purdy much centrist/conservative policies he was absoloted hated personally. Now we have a guy who has ripped off an election, ripped off the woeking class, lied to the American people and taken us to a war that lines to pockets of his contributors. Compared to Clinton, I should hate him but I don't. But I sure do hate what he has done... Big difference!
