The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63807   Message #1039623
Posted By: VIN
22-Oct-03 - 09:30 AM
Thread Name: Trad vs. Singer-Songwriters at festivals
Subject: RE: Trad vs. Singer-Songwriters at festivals
I agree john that the original writers of songs/tunes may have 'FELT them, experienced them, and the events and situations that inspired them', but that does not mean that others later can't feel them, experience them or interpret them with feeling. You don't have to have been at Gallipoli (as Eric Bogle was'nt) to appreciate or be moved by 'the band played waltzing matilda' do you? Think of what Van Gogh must have been feeling when he created his masterworks - it does'tn mean to say future generations can't appreciate them or be moved by 'em. Same thing in classical music with the likes of Mahler or Shostakovich - there are many, many interpretations even though what was going thru the composer's mind at the time was probably very personal. I can still apreciate the music/songs (and hopefully understand the message if there is one) tho!